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Accounting Terminology Guide


Ratio Analysis - Comparison of actual or projected data for a particular company to other data for that company or industry in order to analyze trends or relationships.

Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) - Investor-owned TRUST which invests in real estate and, instead of paying income tax on its income, reports to each of its owners his or her pro rata share of its income for inclusion on their income tax returns. This unique trust arrangement is specifically provided for in the INTERNAL REVENUE CODE.

Real Property - Land and improvements, including buildings and PERSONAL PROPERTY, that is permanently attached to the land or customarily transferred with the land.

Receivables - Amounts of money due from customers or other DEBTORS.

Reconciliation - Comparison of two numbers to demonstrate the basis for the difference between them.

Redemption Value - Price to be paid by an ENTITY to retire its BONDS or PREFERRED STOCK.

Red Herring - "Pre-release" PROSPECTUS offering. An announcement of a future issuance of SECURITIES, given restricted circulation during the waiting period of 20 days or other specified period between the filing of a registration statement with the SEC and the effective date of the statement. A red herring is not an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy.

Refinancing Agreement - Arrangement to provide funding to replace existing financing, the most common being a refinance of a home MORTGAGE.

Reinsurance - Process by which an insurance company obtains insurance on its insurance claims with other insurers in order to spread the risk.


Related Party Transaction - Business or other transaction between persons who do not have an arm's-length relationship (e.g., a relationship with independent, competing interests). The most common is between family members or controlled entities. For tax purposes, these types of transactions are generally subject to a greater level of scrutiny.


Repurchase Agreement (Repos) - Agreement whereby an institution purchases SECURITIES under a stipulation that the seller will repurchase the securities within a certain time period at a certain price.

Research and Development (R&D) - Research is a planned activity aimed at discovery of new knowledge with the hope of developing new or improved products and services. Development is the translation of research findings into a plan or design of new or improved products and services.

Reserve - ACCOUNT used to earmark a portion of EQUITY or fund balance to indicate that it is not available for expenditure. An obsolete term in the United States. More commonly used in Europe.

Restricted Assets - Cash or other ASSETS whose use in whole or in part is restricted for specific purposes bound by virtue of contracted agreements.

Restricted Fund - Fund established to account for assets whose income must be used for purposes established by donors or grantors of such ASSETS. (See FUND ACCOUNTING and UNRESTRICTED FUNDS.)

Restructuring - Reorganization within an entity. Restructuring may occur in the form of changing the components of CAPITAL, renegotiating the terms of DEBT agreements, etc.

Retained Earnings - Accumulated undistributed earnings of a company retained for future needs or for future distribution to its owners.

Return on Investment (ROI) - Ratio measure of the profits achieved by a firm through its basic operations. An indicator of management's general effectiveness and efficiency. The simplest version is the ratio of NET INCOME to total ASSETS.

Revenue Recognition - Method of determining whether or not income has met the conditions of being earned and realized or is realizable.

Revenues - Sales of products, merchandise, and services; and earnings from INTEREST, DIVIDEND, rents.

Review - Accounting service that provides some assurance as to the reliability of financial information. In a review, a CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT (CPA) does not conduct an examination under GENERALLY ACCEPTED AUDITING STANDARDS (GAAS).

Review Engagement - Agreement between a CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT (CPA) and his or her client to perform a review. (See ACCOUNTANTS' REPORT.)

Review Report - See ACCOUNTANTS' REPORT.

Right to Setoff - DEBTOR'S legal right, to discharge all or a portion of the DEBT owed to another party by applying against the debt an amount that the other party owes to the debtor.

Risk Management - Process of identifying and monitoring business risks in a manner that offers a risk/return relationship that is acceptable to an entity's operating philosophy.

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